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what is the bone folder?

A bone folder is a tool often used in paper crafts such as Japanese origami (artistic paperfolding), scrapbooking, and card-making. A classic bone folder is carved from real animal bones, often deer or elk. Bone is an ideal material for paper crafts because it is sturdy, smooth and grainless. Many bone folders are carved with ornate handles or other decorative features, but a basic bone folder is typically shaped like a wooden tongue depressor or a large popsicle stick. It may have rounded ends or a pointed end for working in corners.

There are a number of uses for a bone folder, including folding creases, burnishing decorative papers and scoring paper stock. Many crafters use a bone folder as a means of giving a folded page a more professional-looking crease. The friction between a finger and paper may create problems over time, but a bone folder's smooth surface can be drawn across the fold time and time again. The bone material allows the crafter to apply constant pressure while finishing a crease.

Another function of a bone folder is called burnishing. The bone folder's smooth finish imparts a glossiness or shininess to paper as it is drawn across a fold or crease. Burnished decorative papers often present a more professional finish than unburnished papers. A bone folder acts much like a polishing stone, smoothing out the paper's fibers and creating a more defined fold.
bone folder
bone folder



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